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Pastoral Care

The approach to pastoral care in Salesian Secondary College is based on the teachings of Don Bosco. Not only are student’s academic needs met but care is taken of their emotional and mental state. Salesian Secondary College holds at its core the principle that all members of the school community should support each other in an environment of mutual respect. This principle extends to all students and all members of staff.

Pastoral Care System

Each class within a year group has a specific teacher assigned to it as a Class Tutor. The Class Tutor meets his/her class at Tutor Time each week where Student Journals are checked and signed, and students get an information up-date on all of the happenings within the school. The overall care of each year group is co-ordinated by a Year Head. Students’ progress and behaviour are monitored, and regular contact with parents is made through use of the Student Journal and Parent Teacher Meetings. We have a system of continuous assessment where students are assessed regularly, i.e. on a weekly basis or at the end of a topic/chapter. Full reports on academic progress in each subject are sent to parents at Christmas and Summer. A special Induction Evening is held in September for parents of our 1st Year students to welcome them into the Salesian Community, outline our Salesian Ethos, meet with Principal, Deputy Principal, Career Guidance Counsellor, Year Head and Tutors. An Introduction to Study Skills is also presented.

Wellbeing Programme

In Salesian Secondary College student well-being is central to our focus. The entire school community works to help the students realize their abilities, take care of their physical and mental well-being, cope with the normal stresses of life and have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community. Through the curriculum and extracurricular activities, students are assisted in developing lifelong learning skills in order to be more resilient and independent.


Indicators of wellbeing


  • Am I a confident and skilled participant in physical activity?
  • How physically active am I?


  • Do I take action to protect and promote my wellbeing and that of others?
  • Do I make healthy eating choices?
  • Do I know where my safety is at risk and do I make right choices?


  • Do I feel connected to my school, my friends, my community and the wider world?
  • Do I appreciate that my actions and interactions impact on my own wellbeing and that of others, in local and global contexts?


  • Do I believe that I have the coping skills to deal with life’s challenges?
  • Do I know where I can go for help?
  • Do I believe that with effort I can achieve?


  • Do I feel that I am listened to and valued?
  • Do I have positive relationships with my friends, my peers and my teachers?
  • Do I show care and respect for others?


  • Am I aware of my thoughts, feelings and behaviours and can I make sense of them?
  • Am I aware of what my personal values are and do I think through my decisions?
  • Do I understand what helps me to learn and how I can improve?

Wellbeing and the Curriculum

  • In Junior Cycle students in Salesian Secondary College have classes in – S.P.H.E. – C.S.P.E. – R.E.
  • At Senior Cycle well-being is facilitated in the curriculum through – R.E., P.E. and Guidance.

Four Aspects of Wellbeing


  • School mission and ethos
  • Physical and social environment
  • Classroom culture
  • Teaching, learning and assessment


  • Student/teacher relationships
  • Peer relationships
  • Student voice
  • Partnerships with parents/guardians, community and wider supports


  • CSPE, PE and SPHE
  • Guidance
  • Other subjects and learning experiences
  • Extra-curricular and co-curricular learning

Policy & Planning

  • School policies
  • School self-evaluation
  • Subject and whole-school planning
  • CPD planning

Wellbeing Committee

Salesian Secondary College has a dedicated well-being committee consisting of staff and students. The committee meets on a regular basis to coordinate activities and events to promote well-being.

A well-being week takes place during February, with various activities including guest speakers and workshops.