Easing Transition to Secondary School

The following strategies will be helpful to parents of new first year students to help their daughter settle into secondary school life in Presentation Castleisland. You are always welcome to discuss with school management any additional supports that your daughter may require.

    • Make sure to clarify where the bus drops and collects students and how to get to and from there from the school gate. If you are collecting them make sure they know where that meeting point is.
    • Speak to your daughter about the differences facing them in secondary school but avoid over discussion on the lead up to their first day as it could add to their nerves.
    • Students in first year find adjusting to the longer day challenging at times. Try to ensure they get plenty of sleep. You may also find that they need extra snacks for break and lunchtime.
    • Familiarise yourself with your daughter’s timetable and keep a copy of it in a prominent place e.g. the kitchen, so that you can remind her of things she needs to bring with her until she gets used to it herself.
    • Try to develop your daughter’s organisational skills. It is important that you support her but encourage her to do it herself.
    • Establish a routine for homework early in the year. It is best if homework is completed in a quiet place without the distractions of television, mobile phones or other devices. After school study is available in the school four days a week.
    • Check your daughter’s homework diary regularly and try to ensure that work is completed, taking into consideration that she will not have every subject, every day. Please sign the diary weekly in the space provided.
    • Encourage your daughter to keep an open mind on all subjects especially ones she may not have liked previously.
    • Regular attendance at school is essential for your daughter to succeed.
    • Encourage your daughter to get involved in extracurricular activities, as it is a great way to make new friends and build confidence.

If you have any concerns about your child please contact the school as early as possible.

Click below for further helpful information.