Student Supports

ALL STUDENTS have access to the following supports:

  • Wellbeing Channel on Teams; Whole School Team; School App; Retreats; Assemblies; Theme weeks eg. Safer Internet week, Wellbeing week; Lunchtime clubs; Competitions; Year Head; Class Tutors; Personal and Social Development classes; Wellbeing classes; Career Counselling
  • Input from outside agencies – Guest speakers


SOME STUDENTS are offered specific supports such as:

  • Transition into school and Transition into senior cycle, TY


A FEW STUDENTS require very specialised support such as:

  • Resources organised at Leadership and Management meetings, Guidance Counsellor support, career counselling and special educational needs classes
  • Input from outside agencies including Jigsaw, NEPS, CAMHS, Meitheal, Kerry ETB and Southwest Counselling Centre

For information on Guidance: