A really proud day for students and their families at the Student Enterprise National Final in the Helix in Dublin. Of the top 15 teams in the country, Presentation Castleisland was represented with 2 teams, a great achievement for a small school.
Mearscaoilte Lao (Katelyn Curtin and Orlaith Buckley) won a Special Merit Award and an IP Commendation Award for their business venture on calving jacks. The judges were extremely impressed and the students have been invited to join Daithí and Maura on the RTE Today show tomorrow.
The first year team of Roley Poley won an amazing third place in Ireland with their rotating bench and seat cover. They also won an IP Special Award.
This was a great year for student enterprise in Presentation Castleisland with 4 National Titles overall. Well done to all students.