Posts by Presentation Secondary school Castleisland

Launching the TY Language Building Mural

As part of their Think Languages initiative, the TY class of 2024 put their creative, organisational and teamwork skills together...

5rh yr LCVP Jumble Sale donation to Sera Husky

After all their hard work planning and running their Jumble Sale a few weeks ago, the 5th year LCVP class...

ESB Box painting

Transition Year students were busy this week painting ten ESB boxes around Castleisland town in conjunction with Tidy Towns, keep...

3rd Year Day Trip

A fun day out for 3rd year students recently as they enjoyed a trip to ‘West Cork Secret’. Plenty of...

Sun, Sand and Surf

 TYs took to the water today at Jamie Knox Watersports to soak in the fine weather! 

Fifth Year Emerald Park School Tour

Today, Fifth Year students visited the sun soaked Emerald Park. Here is a snapshot of the day. The group tackled...

All Ireland Enterprise Winners

  Carry Caman are All-Ireland Student Enterprise Champions! Today, Lucy Matassa, Seana Walsh, Marguerite Herlihy and Clodagh Buckley represented Kerry...

First Year Crag Cave Geography Field Trip

This week, First Year students of Geography visited Crag Cave. Currently, students are studying the topic of carbonation and Crag Cave...

Fifth Year School Tour – Emerald Park

This trip will take place tomorrow, Friday May 10th. Bus will depart from SuperValu car park at 6:45 am. The...

CAO Statement of Application Record

Dear Parents of Sixth Years Important information about the CAO process is being issued to sixth years this week by...