Congratulations to our 1st year student, Niamh O Donnell who won 3rd prize out of 560 entries in a national art competition on the theme of “la Francophonie”, the French speaking world.
This is a fantastic achievement, as her poster showed her understanding that the French speaking world, although diverse, is one big family of similar language and culture.
Niamh received her prize earlier this week in a box almost bigger than herself, containing goodies such as games, books, bags, power pack, Mug, CDs, water bottle, pens .. the list goes on. To quote Niamh herself “Can you imagine what 1st prize got”. We might find out next year Niamh!
The competition was organised by associates of the French language and culture in Ireland (Association of French Teachers in Ireland, The Alliance Francaise, Embassies of France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Belgium and Canada).
It was hugely popular in schools all over Ireland so Féliciations Niamh!