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Leaving Certificate Results 2021
August 26, 2021
Dear Student,
I hope you have had an enjoyable Summer.
Please note that the provisional results of the 2021 Leaving Certificate are due for issue on Friday 3 September.
On Wednesday 25 August, the State Examinations Commission has alerted candidates by text and email to the publication of a Short Guide to the Accredited Grades Data Collection, National Standardisation and Quality Assurance Processes which provides further information about the system of Accredited Grades.
Please note that the Short Guide will also be published on www.gov.ie/LeavingCertificate.gov.ie and on the SEC’s website www.examinations.ie.
Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme candidates will have access to their provisional Leaving Certificate results on the Candidate Self
Service Portal at 10 am on Friday 3 September. Candidates can view their results and will also be
able to print a statement of their provisional results.
As always the school will offer any support in relation to your Leaving Certificate and Ms. Kennelly will be available on Friday to meet students individually if requested. In line with Public Health advice and the school’s Covid-19 Response Plan and school’s Visitor Policy, you are requested to contact the school to arrange a meeting time, in advance of your visit.
Wishing you every success with your results.
Kind regards,
Katherina Broderick.