Posts by Presentation Secondary school Castleisland

Our 3rd Yr Army @ Pres Castleisland

Our army of intrepid 3rd yr students did battle at Paintball Kerry today- International Womens Day.They endeavoured to capture the...

2nd years perfecting French Bowls game

A little French sporting culture… Although not quite the same weather as the South of France where the game is...

Seanfhocal an Lae

Maireann croí éadrom i bhfad. A light heart lives long.

Seanfhocal an Lae

Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin. There’s nó place like home.

Seanfhocal an Lae

Filleann an feall ar an bhfeallaire. The treachery returns to the betrayer.

Seanfhocal an Lae

Is fearr an tsláinte ná na táinte. Health is better than wealth.

Seanfhocal an lae

Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile. It takes one to know one.

TY Self-Defence Taekwondo Class

This week, Transition Year students got an opportunity to get to grips with an innovative martial arts sport titled Taekwondo....

Madrid School Trip Document Check

To meet the requirements for travel on this Transition Year and Fifth Year school trip, it is necessary to provide...

Library Visit

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the first years paid a visit to the local library.