Our Wellness Wall and Wellbeing Padlet

Our school was a hive of activity last Friday, November 5th with preparation for our Open Day, unveiling of our...

Science Week Day 4

Today is Day 4 of Science Week, students and staff are having a great week so far. 1st year students...

French Fun at Cork International Film Festival

Today our Transition Year and 5th Year students attended the Cork International Film Festival screening of a French film Gagarine....

Science Week day 3

Today is day 3 of Science Week and we had another day filled with activities. 1st year science class made...

Christmas Box Appeal

A big thank you to everyone who brought in a shoe box in aid of The Hope Foundation. Your generosity...

5th year Spanish movie trip

Yesterday Spanish 5th year students went to see a Spanish film in the Gate Cinema in Mallow as part of...

Webinar for Parents

Camogie Training – New Players Welcome!

Camogie training began last week and will continue throughout this term. Ahead of scheduled upcoming games and competitions we are...

REMINDER: Senior Football Training

Senior football training will go ahead as scheduled tomorrow, Wednesday November 10th 4:00 – 5:00 pm in Castleisland Desmonds Pitch....

Science Week at Pres

Today marked the beginning of Science Week in Presentation Castleisland. A week jammed packed of activities is planned. Today, 6th...