Climate Action Week Commences

October 10, 2022

Climate Action Week kicked off today. This year each day will follow a specific sustainable theme and today marked ‘Meatless Monday’. To commemorate the day, the Transition Year’s cooked a meatless bolognese in their Homeconomics class, and the whole school community were given the option to try it out as they headed for home this evening. A big thanks to Ms. Daly for helping out with this endeavour.

Tomorrow’s theme is ‘Transport Tuesday’, so we hope everyone will walk, carpool or cycle to school if at all possible. We would also like to remind everybody about our battery recycling facility in the school. If you have any left over batteries that are not being put to use at home, please bring them into school tomorrow and we will recycle them. With global energy and transport systems turning to a more sustainable approach, batteries will be a key component, as well as the recycling of such. So please make use of our recycling facility if possible.