Guidance & Counselling

Personal and Social Guidance and Counselling encourages developmental skills which are essential to the students’ development. Personal guidance may result from a time of personal crisis for the student. Personal Counselling usually takes place on a referral basis. Students may be referred by parents, staff, management, other students or they may self-refer.

Educational Guidance and Counselling includes areas such as subject/course choices, motivation and learning, study skills, exam techniques and organisational skills.


Career Guidance and Counselling

  • Career guidance and counselling is based on the following framework:
  • Self-awareness which includes self-motivation, values, interests, personality, skills and life context.
  • Opportunity awareness which includes jobs market, course and careers research and information.
  • Career decision making
  • Transition learning

The guidance counsellor provides students with information on the jobs market, job opportunities, vocational education and training, further education, job and interview preparation, career research and career/course information. The guidance counsellor assists students in understanding applications for various study and career options. Students attend a range career events such as online Open days, Webinars, Guest Speakers etc.

Guidance classes are timetabled for 5th and 6th years. Guidance content is delivered in Junior Cycle through the Wellbeing programme. Students are provided with one-to-one guidance appointments.


Resources for Parents


Senior Cycle guidance classes are based on the Reach+ programme:




Students’ experience of 2nd and 3rd Year of Junior Cycle: