Athletics updates- May 2022

May 20, 2022

It has been a busy month on the athletics front for our Pres girls. Three days of athletic events took place in An Riocht Athletic Track in Castleisland which our girls attended. Firstly the Kerry Schools Track and Field events took place on May 4th while the North Munster Schools Track and Field events took place on May 10th and 12th. All our girls ran very well with a few coming home proudly with medals.

Congratulations to 1st year student Bríd Curtin who ran in the Junior girls 100m in the Kerry Schools Track and Field events. Bríd came 2nd after running a fantastic final. Our 1st year girls also showed great teamwork coming 3rd in the 100m minor girls relay. Well done Edel O’Donoghue, Laura Mc Shane, Ellie Curtin and Aimee O’Connor. Another medal winner was our 3rd year student Natalia Lorenzo in the North Munster Track and Field events. Natalia competed in the walk and won gold in the intermediate girls walk. Well done Natalia.

All students who took part in these events showed great determination and made a great effort in all their races. I always say it’s the taking part that counts and enjoying yourself in the process is the most important thing. Exercise and getting outdoors has huge benefits to our mental health and we are so happy to see our girls taking part in any form of exercise that helps them both mentally and physically.

Our future looks bright in the field of athletics and we are looking forward to many more outings in the next school year ahead.