Careers talk

May 23, 2024

On Monday afternoon, fifth years enjoyed a careers talk from Mary Lucey, founder of Career Ahead.

Mary Lucey is a Professional Education and Career Consultant, regularly appearing in local media. She has worked in education for over 30 years – in third level, further education and in the developing apprenticeship space.

Mary spoke to the fifth year group, sharing her experience of how students should best approach career and course decisions, the best practice to follow and the things to avoid. Officially, over 15% of students going to college drop out of their course; in reality, the percentage is much higher. Mary gave students information on how to make the right decisions and explored all the options available to students, including tertiary degrees, PLCs, international opportunities and apprenticeships. Mary also spoke about the importance of work experience, and encouraged all students over the summer break to seek out opportunities to learn more about their potential career area, through work placement, shadowing, volunteering or meeting people for advice.

Mary will join us for a Parent’s CAO Information evening in the school in September to give advice to parents of sixth years on how best to support your daughter with applications and choices throughout the year.

Mr. Clarke