Posts by Presentation Secondary school Castleisland

Walk For Water at Pres

Our students walked around the nearby river bank, carrying buckets of water to raise awareness about our global water crisis....

Un descanso antes de los examenes orales

Our 6th Yr Spanish students enjoyed un café with Ms.Dairo this morning and had a last minute Spanish chat before...

European Banking Quiz

Today third year Business students participated in the nationwide European Money Quiz hosted by Banking Payments & Federation Ireland. The...

SciFest prep

TYs are making great progress on their SciFest posters and report books ahead of SciFest@School on April 8th! 

A Few French Fêtes!

What better way to kick off French week than a party.. or 2! The TY French students learned the art...

Sexual Assault Treatment Ireland Workshops

Parents of TY, 5th and 6th years, please note that tomorrow March 20th our TY, 5th and 6th years will...

The 6th Year Trip to See Hamlet in The Everyman Theatre, Cork

Imagine stepping into a world where drama comes alive, where every emotion is palpable, and every word spoken holds immense...

Webwise Online Safety Webinar for Parents

Supporting Children Online An opportunity not to be missed for parents & guardians, to up skill in online safety to...

Student Enterprise – County Success

A huge congratulations to our 2 First Year groups today who took part in the County Final of the Student...

Celebrating Inspiring Women on International Women’s Day

At our school, students from all years came together to honour International Women’s Day. They shared speeches about incredible women...