Career Research – MTU Webinars

October 3, 2022

Dear Fifth and Sixth Year Students and Parents/Guardians

Munster Technological University (MTU) are running a series of webinars, starting tomorrow, covering all third-level courses available on the Kerry Campus. These webinars will provide valuable information to anyone considering studying at the MTU, and we encourage fifth and sixth years to join those that are of interest to them. The dates of the webinars are below and you can find all details on registration here

4th October – Department of Health and Leisure Studies
11th October – Department of Business
18th October – Department of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism
25th October – Department of Computing
8th November – Department of Creative Media and Information Technology
15th November – Department of Technology, Engineering and Maths
22nd November – Department of Biological & Pharmaceutical Science
29th November – Department of Nursing
6th December – Department of Social Sciences

Kind regards
Edward Clarke