Christmas Shoebox Appeal- A great success.

We are delighted to announce that eighty four christmas boxes were sent to children in fourteen developing countries recently. The...

Small Things Like These

Sixth-year students attended Tralee Omniplex today to watch Small Things Like These. The film, based on Claire Keegan’s novel, is...

Tours of School Available

Dear Parents & Guardians, Did you or someone you know miss our open day or did you want another opportunity to see...

St. Vincent de Paul hamper collection

Our annual collection for the SVP hampers is well underway! In the spirit of giving, why not donate a sweet...

Pres TYs participate in Think Languages Quiz!

Our TYs battled it out today in an All Ireland Quiz for Think Languages Week. The Quiz is an annual...

Senior French film trip to Cork

Les Trois Fantastiques (The Fantaatic Three). Last week as part of the Cork International film festival, our French students from...

Bake Sale for Lourdes

Today, Deirdre Moynihan and Fiona McSweeney held a bake sale to raise funds for their trip to Lourdes. The event...

Spanish Cinema Trip

Transition Year and 5th Year students recently attended the Cork Film Festival for an immersive cultural experience. They watched a...

Information Evening

F.A.O. Sixth Year Parents The Institute of Guidance Counsellors are hosting an Information Evening on 20th November in the MTU...

1st year Art Class

Today our 1st year 1Y Art class took advantage of the fine weather and the local environment to practice their...